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Call Out CeremonyPre-Ordeal CeremonyOrdeal CeremonyBrotherhood Ceremony
More Information regarding American Indian Activities can be found HERE

Lodge Awards and Vigil Nominations

Lodge Awards Nomination Form

Please email a copy of this form to the Lodge Adviser, Chuck Ashby, at or turn in a hard copy at the Lodge business meeting on November 14th. You can view the previous Lodge Award recipients below.

Previous Lodge Award Recipients

To submit a Vigil Nomination fill out the form linked below and email a copy to We take this extremely seriously and the Vigil honor is not something to be taken lightly.

Vigil Nomination Form

*** VERY IMPORTANT *** Right-Click the button above and choose “Save Link As” to download to your computer, then fill out the form, otherwise you could lost everything you fill into the form. Here is a link to the list of 2023 Vigil Eligible members.

Lodge Rules

Lodge Rules

Chapter Adviser Nomination

Nomination Form

Unit Visitations

Visitations Script (Pages 33-35)OAHA VideosC10 Camp Videos

Unit Elections

Summary Report FormRemember to turn unit election reports to the Lodge Election team at elections@miki.orgVideos (All)


Jump StartJump Start is the national OA resource for new Arrowmen
Gateway Section – G3Mikanakawa Lodge / Circle Ten Council are in Section 3 of the Gateway Region. this link takes you to the Order of the Arrow information for our Section. Most important is information on Section Conclave.
Gateway Regioncircle Ten Council is part of the Gateway Region. this web link is directed to Order of the Arrow information for the Gateway Region.
National OAThis is the link to our National Organization. Check this site frequently to learn about OA throughout the United States.
Circle Ten CouncilCircle Ten Council’s geographic area is comprised of 24 counties across Texas and Oklahoma. Our council is divided into 25 geographic districts for a list of districts, click here. For a map of the districts, please click here.